Miriam Fernandez PROFILE PHOTO

Dr Miriam Fernandez is a Senior Research Fellow at the Knowledge Media Institute (KMi), Open University, and a member of KMi's Social Data Science Group. Before joining KMi, she was research associate at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain and software engineer (internship) at Google Zurich, Switzerland. Her research is at the intersection of the Web Science (WS) and Semantic Web communities (SW), where she has contributed with more than 100 peer-reviewed articles in various leading conferences and journals. She has extensive expertise in leading EU and national projects. She frequently participates in organising committees and editorial boards of the top SW and WS conferences, recently being program co-chair of the International Semantic Web conference in 2017, and serving as editor for the Journal of Web Semantics. Dr. Fernandez is the Athena SWAN champion for KMi, leading key initiatives to increase equality diversity in higher education.


Project Title

OU Analyse

The OU Analyse project is piloting new machine learning based methods for early identification of students who are at risk of failing....Read more

Project Title


A Decarbonisation Platform for Citizen Empowerment and Translating Collective Awareness into Behavioural Change...Read more


Reyero Lobo, P., Daga, E., Alani, H. and Fernandez, M. (2024) Enhancing Hate Speech Annotations with Background Semantics, 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2024) – Including 13th Conference on Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems (PAIS 2024), Santiago de Compostela, Spain

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Knowledge Media Institute
The Open University
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

+44 (0)1908 659400