App for managing and scaling-up community based care...Read more
Dr Alessio Antonini is a research fellow at the Knowledge Media Institute of the Open University. He is the lead of the Knowledge Design team, part of the Intelligent Systems and Data Science group. His research focuses on the design of intelligent and interactive media, research infrastructures for the Humanities and AI-enabled innovation for community and personal wellbeing.
App for managing and scaling-up community based care...Read more
Robot Embodied Presence in House Environment is an Innovation project aimed to develop...Read more
Virtual Reality Robotic Embodiment and Control (VRREC) is an app for Oculus Quest enabling the full-body remote control of a robotic platform...Read more
Technologies for healthier independent lives for the ageing populations...Read more
Naja, I., Divin, N, Coward, S, Campbell, S, Benatti, F and Antonini, A. (2024) Conversational Media for Inclusive Access to Mental Health Interventions for Schoolchildren, 35th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT '24), Poznań, Poland
Naja, I., Juarez, A and Antonini, A. (2024) Social Media and Cities: a case-study based analysis of how digital life influences the urban physical environment, 35th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT '24), Poznań, Poland
Antonini, A. and Naja, I. (2024) Positive Media, 35th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT '24), Poznań, Poland
Benatti, F, Towheed, S, Blackburn-Daniels, S and Antonini, A. (2024) @TellMeWhatUReadingbot: the Multi-modal Strategy of the READ-IT Project for Collecting Experiences of Reading, Creative Intelligence: 35th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT '24), Poznan, Poland
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Knowledge Media Institute
The Open University
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom